About Us
Order My Steps LG (OMSLG) is the high quality, socially conscious shoe brand with a purpose. Proudly founded in Detroit, Michigan, our stylish designs were created to remind, support and EMPOWER women of all faiths to forge ahead, pursue their goals and confidently follow their dreams.
Inspired by biblical principle, we hope OMSLG will act as a daily reminder of who you are and the strength and power living within us all.
We invite you to browse our website to find a pair you'll love.
Thank you for visiting we genuinely hope you love our style.

Our mission is to bring exceptional style to shoe enthusiast far and wide, while reminding and encouraging women to have faith in something greater than themselves. We are forward-thinking, fashion-centered and spiritually grounded at our core. Our products reflect these ideas. We invite you to browse our website and find just what you have been looking for.

Order My Steps LG envisions a society where all women are celebrated, and their achievements are glorified. A world with no invisible barriers or discernable glass ceilings, Where women transcend to being a source of inspiration and motivation owning their beliefs, fearlessness, confidence & fortitude including their sense of style, fashion & panache. Where they stand tall as the accomplished leaders they were created to be. OMSLG believes that you can accomplish all things and with unwavering faith, YOU will.